Windows Sandbox - Optional Features - Missing Services

Diskutiere und helfe bei Windows Sandbox - Optional Features - Missing Services im Bereich Games und Spiele im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hi,we are currently deploying the sandbox globally to be used as a connection machine with various VPN clients.This would be the ideal scenario for... Dieses Thema im Forum "Games und Spiele" wurde erstellt von Tobias Heine, 4. Januar 2024.

  1. Windows Sandbox - Optional Features - Missing Services

    Hi,we are currently deploying the sandbox globally to be used as a connection machine with various VPN clients.This would be the ideal scenario for sandbox usage to protect our environments. Now we have the issue that various VPN Clients are not working as specific services are missing. For example:RASMANEAPHOSTSSTPSVCAny chance these are getting added in the near future or any idea how I can install them afterwards?
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Windows Sandbox - Optional Features - Missing Services - Games und Spiele

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Windows Sandbox - Optional Features - Missing Services solved
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