Too many open files error -ulimit alternative

Diskutiere und helfe bei Too many open files error -ulimit alternative im Bereich Apps im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Good day,When opening with node on Windows files there is a unknown threshold on files which can be opened after that this error occurs: "EMFILE: Too... Dieses Thema im Forum "Apps" wurde erstellt von Felix_219, 18. April 2023.

  1. Felix_219
    Felix_219 Gast

    Too many open files error -ulimit alternative

    Good day,When opening with node on Windows files there is a unknown threshold on files which can be opened after that this error occurs: "EMFILE: Too many open files" errno: -4066, code: 'emfile', syscall: 'open',.On Linux/Mac the solution is quite easy. Just adpat "-ulimit" to a higher number.On Windows there is no option like that.Is there any option to increase the open files on Windows without changing some dubios registry entrys?The workaround is to enable WSL and build the Project withing a UNIX System.
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Too many open files error -ulimit alternative - Apps

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Too many open files error -ulimit alternative solved
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