Office 365 Outlook calendars are buggy

Diskutiere und helfe bei Office 365 Outlook calendars are buggy im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; Hello,one of our clients has a problem with their outlook calendars. In the calendar tab they disappear and reappear in such a speed by themselves,... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Benjamin Schlesinger, 3. September 2021.

  1. Office 365 Outlook calendars are buggy

    Hello,one of our clients has a problem with their outlook calendars. In the calendar tab they disappear and reappear in such a speed by themselves, that it isnt possible to work with them. It doesnt happen all the time, only sometimes. She is on Windows 10 21H1 and Office 365 Version 2108 Build 14326.20238 click and go.In OWA the calendars work normally. Things ive already tried to fix the issue:- Creating a new Outlook profile- Readding the calendars- Reinstalling Office 365What can i do to fix this issue?Thanks in advance!Best RegardsB. Schlesinger
  2. StefanMogk Win User

    Exchange 2010/Outlook 2016 - Kalenderfreigabe: Kalenderdetails können nicht an gezeigt werden

    Geht natürlich immer noch nicht, ist aber wohl nichts unbekanntes. Gerade gefunden:

    Currently, you can't use Outlook on Windows to edit calendars that are shared with your account, even if you've reconnected your account to Outlook. We're working
    day and night (since May 2017) to make it possible to edit shared calendars in Outlook 2016 for Windows.
  3. Pauline R. Win User

    Mehrere Kalender auf einem Blatt ausdrucken.

  4. (Roger R.) Win User

    Kalenderberechtigungen für third party Produkte / Programme ?

    Guten Tag ...

    Die Berechtigungsstufen mit den entsprechenden Rechten an sich sind bekannt.

    Es geht darum, ob, wenn der Zugriff von einer third party Applikation aus erfolgt, es seitens Microsoft "Mindeststandards" für die zu erteilenden Berechtigungen gibt. Das ist zumindest das, was der Hersteller uns sagt ->
    "user will need to have at least reviewer permissions on the calendars that they are trying to open in Outlook.
    This is a limitation of Outlook integrating with third party apps".

    Danke nochmal & Gruss
  5. Pauline R. Win User

    Mehrere Kalender drucken in Outlook 2016

  6. L4c3rd4 Win User

    Synchronisation und bearbeiten von G-mail Kalender im Outlook

    Hello my fiend, first it's a pleasure to be able to help you today.

    My name is Vinicius.

    I am a gamer and independent advisor on the Microsoft Community platform.

    Hey MartinZurcher1, how are you today? Hope you're well.

    Before you can sync Outlook and Google Calendar using one of several devices, you must first obtain an Outlook link. Synchronization of the two calendars doesn’t require any additional plug-ins or extensions as both platforms use the same format.

    Here’s how to get the link from Outlook:

    Open your Office 365 account.

    Go to “Outlook” and click on “Settings,” then “View All Outlook Settings.”

    Click on “Calendar”, and then, “Shared Calendars.”

    In the “Publish Calendar” section, you can get the link you need.

    Select “Calendar,” then “Can view all details,” then click “Publish.”

    Copy the “ICS link” (below the HTML link at the bottom) to use later in Google.

    Once you’ve acquired your Outlook calendar link, it’s time to finish the synchronization. Open “Google Calendar.”

    Tap on “Other calendars +” at the bottom of the page.

    Now, click on “From URL.”

    Paste the link saved and tap on “Add calendar.”

    In the “Other calendars” section in the bottom left area, you’ll see your Outlook calendar that you can select. The sync process is now complete.

    TIP: You can save the calendar, change its colours, or even rename it. If you ever decide to disconnect the two calendars, you can do it by merely hovering over the calendar’s name and clicking on the “X” icon.

    Hope it helps. :)

    Best regards!
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Office 365 Outlook calendars are buggy solved
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