I have 2 versions on my PC: Microsoft 365 de-de and Microsoft 365 en-gb

Diskutiere und helfe bei I have 2 versions on my PC: Microsoft 365 de-de and Microsoft 365 en-gb im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; In Deutschland hatte ich Microsoft 365 de-de, wohne jetzt in Neuseeland. Hab auf englisch umgestellt, im System wie auch in Office. Habe vor kurzem... Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von Kiwidon, 22. Juli 2024.

  1. Kiwidon
    Kiwidon Gast

    I have 2 versions on my PC: Microsoft 365 de-de and Microsoft 365 en-gb

    In Deutschland hatte ich Microsoft 365 de-de, wohne jetzt in Neuseeland. Hab auf englisch umgestellt, im System wie auch in Office. Habe vor kurzem zufällig 2 Einträge in Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features gefunden wie oben genannt. Soll vermutlich nicht so sein, weiß aber nicht weiter.Interessant ist auch, mein Rechner bzw. Browser wird im Web oft als deutsch erkannt troz meiner Umstellung auf Neuseeland als Region und auf Englisch.Mi freundlichem GrußDon AustinWinows 11Pro 22H2 Build 22621.3880Microsoft 365 Personal
  2. Peter.Star Win User

    Three types of contact lists

    Wo denn? Du schriebst das: It appears that I have three different contact lists on my PC. In Outlook 2010,

    und da steht nun mal nichts von Microsoft 365.

    Ich bin dann mal raus anpflaumen lasse ich mich nicht.
  3. ThomasPollak Win User

    Mein 365-Abo ist trotz Bezahlung auf dem Laptop gesaperrt. Hilfe?

    Hallo Greg,
    <br />I gave you a short answer yesterday. My Problem is: I have an account for microsoft and a valid subscription for microsoft 365 which I can use without problems on my Apple iMac. But I cannot use the subscription on my Apple Laptop, which is also registered on the same account. On the Laptop there is a message that I should renew the subscription. And then when I try to correct it on the Laptop, I get the answer that there is no account available with this user name. But on the same homepage by microsoft I can get the information that my account and my subscription are okay. - So this state of affairs means that there is a mistake in the communication between my Laptop and the microsoft 365 administration. For the moment I cannot get any chat oder phone support by microsoft - and the automatically given supports are useless. (I have already deinstalled all office programs on the Laptop and then reloaded it - but without any result for the problem.)
    <br />I would be very glad if you can solve this problem or give me an advice for further action or support.
    <br />Sincerely
    <br />Thomas
    <br />
  4. Rasika murkar Win User

    Not able to activate microsoft 365 purchased with the new lenovo laptop with windows 11 home

    I didnot install office on my laptop. It had come with preinstalled office 365 apps.
    I received the purchase confirmation from lenovo germany on my gmail id (which is actually from India)
    I have actually used the student discount while purchaseing the laptop using my university email id to get discount and while billing I gave my indian gmail id.
    I am using the same indian gmail id for logging in to my microsoft account for activating the office on my laptop. I also tried asking for help on lenovo support but they say to ask microsoft support to give product key or activation help. I also asked microsoft but I get no response.
  5. Chcristoph_252 Win User

    excel reference style drops back to A1


    1. I have Microsoft Office 365, running Excel 2016 32 bit

    2. The Norton anti-virus suite is installed on my computer, but I chosed not de-install it.

    The remark of Andreas above "If the reference style is back to A1 you have other workbooks that are loaded at startup" continued ringing in my ears. I assume that every AddIn provides another workbook, which is loaded
    at start up. I see all these xla files in the VBA editor. So I picked the first suspect and uninstalled that AddIn. And the problem disappeared!

    Many thanks to both of you!
  6. DrMaFu Win User

    Office 2016 Business Home Click and Run UND Visio Pro 2013 Click and Run

    Der genaue Wortlaut heißt:


    You have a newer Version of Office installöed on your device.

    Microsoft Office 2016 voor Thuisgebruik en Zelfstandigen - nl-nl

    Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 - it-it

    Microsoft Office Famille et Petite Entreprise 2016 - fr-fr

    Micorsoft Office Home and Business 2016 - en-us

    Microsoft Office Home and Busioness 2016 - de-de

    If you want to install older Version of Office, please remove These newer products and try again.

    Der Kauf erfolgte als Download-Version über das Internet bei der Firma softloox.
  7. User Advert


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I have 2 versions on my PC: Microsoft 365 de-de and Microsoft 365 en-gb - Microsoft Office

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I have 2 versions on my PC: Microsoft 365 de-de and Microsoft 365 en-gb solved
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