What happened to the whiteboard capture in Onenote on iPad?

Diskutiere und helfe bei What happened to the whiteboard capture in Onenote on iPad? im Bereich Microsoft Office im Windows Info bei einer Lösung; I can no longer capture Whiteboards with the camera in Onenote. What happened? Dieses Thema im Forum "Microsoft Office" wurde erstellt von JPH180, 21. November 2024.

  1. JPH180
    JPH180 Gast

    What happened to the whiteboard capture in Onenote on iPad?

    I can no longer capture Whiteboards with the camera in Onenote. What happened?
  2. Gambetta1982 Win User

    Office 365 vs Office Home 2019

    I guess this is exactly what happened! There was a trail version of Office 365 pre-installed. Could you perhaps give me some instructions of how to fix this? Many thanks and all the best!
  3. Claus Busch Win User

    Office für Mac - Excel: Kann nicht zwischen Tabellenblättern wechseln

  4. hanspeter.siegfried Win User

    OneDrive folder on iPad hidden from file system GUI

    Hello everybody!

    As of March 9th, the problem seems to be resolved:
    <br />It's possible again to select OneDrive in the setting of the Files app on iPad OS.
    <br />When it's selected here, files on OneDrive can seemingly be opened in any app on the iPad.

    Many thanks for having fixed the issue!
    <br />Hanspeter
    <br />
  5. Rainald Win User


    > Mir sind bei OneNote einige Ungereimtheiten aufgefallen:

    > 3. Skydrive steht nicht als Webfreigabeort zur Verfügung.

    Grad eben gefunden:
    "Question of the Moment - Archive
    "I've been looking forward to saving and sharing my notebooks on the web but when I try to use that feature in OneNote 2010 I get a message that "This service is not available". What do I have to do to enable it?"

    Just be patient. That feature requires Windows Live v4 and they're still putting the finishing touches on that. They should have it rolled out shortly."

    Ben M. Schorr (ON MVP)


  6. Fuad Laguda Win User

    How to select documents which should be in OneDrive?

    I am sorry if it is not what you wanted to hear, but I do hope the link above will guide you on how to sync your files with OneDrive.
  7. User Advert


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What happened to the whiteboard capture in Onenote on iPad? - Microsoft Office

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What happened to the whiteboard capture in Onenote on iPad? solved
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